~Live for Self~

~Reclaiming My Heart~ Part 3 of the Healing Heart Series It’s amazing to see what happens when you show up for your life. When you’ve come out of a toxic relationship or marriage, an abusive one, self-image/self-esteem is often marred. The person you see in the mirror has been shaken. You’ve become emotionally discouraged, angry, …

Reclaiming My Heart

Part 1 When you’re seventeen and a senior in High School, the horizon is full of possibilities. College and an Educational degree being one of those. As young as six years old I always dreamed of being a teacher and knew by the time I was eleven that would be my goal for the next …

Symbol of the Heart

When I began my quest and the idea of blogging, one thing I knew for sure… that the “heart” had to be the very center of my blog. The word “heart” had to be in the title as well. I thought through several names and asked family and friends for their input on what names …