My story begins on October 31, 1967 @0638 in Glasgow, Montana, AFB, (Air Force Base). I made my debut backwards, by way of breech delivery, at a time when C-sections were unheard of, (yes, I’m dating myself). Not an easy labor for my mom, but what a trooper, she pulled it off with calm and …
Grieving a Loss
We know death is inevitable and sooner or later it will come for us. But it still doesn’t make it any easier or expected. The death of a loved one and the time of grieving varies for us all in the way we process and maneuver the unwanted circumstances. Knowing how to respond when it …
Home Front Heroes
Each year, November is designated as National Military Families Month. It’s appropriate that during this special month we give thanks for what we have and hold dear-the blessings of freedom secured for us by our service members and their families. Each day, they make sacrifices for their loved ones and their country. They have answered …
Symbol of the Heart
When I began my quest and the idea of blogging, one thing I knew for sure… that the “heart” had to be the very center of my blog. The word “heart” had to be in the title as well. I thought through several names and asked family and friends for their input on what names …